If you’re standing with the other millions of single, celestial demi-goddesses as we turn into the New Year, please remember my darling, you are a pioneer, a symbol of self-worth, uncharted independence and bravery. You’ve survived the holiday season, you’ve endured the gag-worthy Christmas flicks, you’ve withstood the parties filled with coupled friends talking about their joint holiday plans, but most importantly, you’ve persevered through the year, and haven’t settled for less than you are worth. I am proud of you.
I wrote this article for you. I wrote this article as a celebration to all of my feminine heroes, to tell you how motivational you are, a reminder that by striving for your best life, you inspire the world.
The New Year is not only the perfect time to remember how important you are, but it is also the finest moment for introspection, reflection and manifestation. Whether choosing to spend New Year's Eve alone, or with friends, I have put together a short-list of potential self-dates to prepare yourself for the year ahead, so you can get crystal clear on your 2023 intentions.
1. Love thy self
This is exactly what it says on the tin, as cliche as it may sound, it is the perfect way to date yourself this New Year’s Eve. In the words of our favourite Drag Queen "If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love somebody else?”. Let it ring through your ears my beautiful Queen. What does love feel like to you? How do you like to be enveloped in it? Whatever that feels like, this is the night to do it, all of it. Take that bubble bath, watch that film trilogy, buy that takeaway!
2. Vision boarding
This is a way to both manifest, and allow yourself some creative play time. Pull out those stacks of old magazines, and get pasting. Think, feel and paste your 2023 reality! For more tips, you can check out Oprah’s blog here.
3. Creative date with self
Dust off those paintbrushes and set a creative haven for yourself. Throw on some slacks, newspaper your living room and run free. Whatever creative outlet makes you feel good, this is your time to do it. There is no better way to turn in 2023 than having fun, and playing is the best way to return us to our natural state, pure love! So get paintin’ and get lovin’.
4. Take yourself out for dinner
Remember that favourite restaurant that you haven’t been to? That one you’ve walked past several times and thought “one day”, well what better day? Taking yourself out to dinner is incredibly under-rated. It is a reminder to your spirit that you got this. There is nothing you need, and no one you need to date to do the things you love in this life, so order up your favourite plate, order a glass and savour every bite, beautiful.
5. Attract what you want spell
For this one, google is your best friend. Have a little think about what you want for 2023, perhaps write a list. Now get online and find manifestation spells and get going! You may find that you’ll need to buy a little witchy tool kit beforehand. Candles, salt and paolo santo are going to be your essentials, so make sure you’re well-stocked!
6. Pamper time
This one takes little preparation, but is an all-time favourite. Line up the body scrubs and butters, and fill that bath up with all the luscious bubbles you can dream of. Get your Spotify meditation playlist at the ready, and go slow. This sort of self-date is whatever you want it to be, whatever feels like pampering to you. This is also a statement way to enter the new year, you’re telling yourself, and the universe that self-time is important, that you are important, by prioritising your well-being.
7. Take yourself to the movies
Get your best dress on, drown yourself in your favourite perfume and get the handbag out. If there is something on the big screen you’ve been meaning to see, now is your moment. Cinemas are notoriously quiet on New Year’s Eve too, so you can have a screen and box of popcorn the size of your head all to yourself, what an absolute treat.
8. Book yourself a massage
One way to see in the new year is to release the toxins of the old, and there is no better way than untying those back knots, who knows how long they’ve been there! It is recommended that we get massages at least once a month, I feel this is particularly true for us city girls. But my precious Goddess, tonight is the night to do it. Find someone who works with essential oils and sound too, and drown your mind and body in pure relaxation and say goodbye to any unwanted energy of 2022!
9. Journal your intentions
Light a candle, get out your favourite notepad out and start writing! Journalling is a powerful tool for not only releasing emotions, but for also letting your imagination run wild. This is the perfect night for manifesting your big dreams, and girl, it's time to dream big. I recommend 1-3 pages of releasing and reflecting on the past year, and then thanking the year with gratitude for the lessons you've learned, no matter how difficult they may have been. Once you're happy with your reflections, bury your paper in soil, and thank the universe for the lessons of the past, as you leave 2o22 in the loving hands of the universe.
Next, journal another 1-3 pages of your perfect 2023, allow yourself to imagine all of the beautiful experiences you’re going to welcome in. When you're happy with your pages tuck them under your pillow, keep them there for the whole of January, and re-read them anytime you need a reminder of the beauty you deserve!
10. List the things you’re grateful for
Gratitude lists do really hold great powers, it's true! The Universe works with vibrations, so pushing out good vibrations by offering gratitude for your life lessons and experiences is a great way to see in the New Year. The more we feel joy through gratitude, the more we are welcoming that energy back to us in the most wonderous of ways. See below for a very simple gratitude ritual ceremony that will have you dancing with the moon, and life, as we wave goodbye to 2022.
Write down:
22 things you are grateful for this year
22 things you are grateful to yourself for accomplishing (we must recognise our own wins, no matter how big or small)
22 things you’re grateful to have the opportunity to contribute to next year
Once you’ve written these down, thank the universe for supporting you, and remember you’re always safe and divinely guided. Pop your lists up where you can see them, and make it part of your morning routine in January to stop and reflect on them as reminders.
So, my exquisite Goddesses, whether you choose to spend New Year’s Eve with yourself, or with your loved ones, these self-dates recommendations are a great way to remind yourself, and the universe, how absolutely worthy you are.
Until next time besties